6.30 - Encounters with Jesus

19th January 2020 - Simeon and Anne: Patience and Peace - Luke 2:22-40 - David Greenfield

26th January 2020 - The First Disciples: Wonders and Willingness - Luke 5:1-11 - Roger Parham

2nd February 2020 - The Paralysed Man: Faith and Forgiveness - Luke 5:17-26 - Philip Uren

16th February 2020 - The Sinful Woman: Love and Liberation - Luke 7:36-50 - Gayle Hanslik

23rd February 2020 - The Dead Girl and the Sick Woman: Holiness and Healing - Luke 8:40-56 - Jenny Hutchinson

15th March 2020 - The Rich Ruler: Challenge and Choice - Luke 18:18-30 - Roger Parham

22nd March 2020 - The Blind Beggar: Desperation and Deliverance - Luke 18:35-43 - Dave Pamphilon

29th March 2020 - Zacchaeus: Seeking and Salvation - Luke 2:22-40 - Mac McCarthy